Delivery Policy 送貨須知
For HK customers (香港客戶)
Your order (available stock only) will be prepared within 1-3 working days and delivery is available Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays). 現貨貨物於1-3 個工作天內準備好,並於星期一至星期五到達指定地點 (公衆假期除外).
Standard delivery costs HK$55 or is free for every purchase over HK$550. 基本運費收取港幣55元, 購物滿港幣550將享有免費送貨.
The remote area is subject to HKD20. 偏遠地區收取額外港幣20元。
SF to Pay Delivery. 順豐上門到付 - HKD30/kg/cbm
SF self pick up/EF Locker charges & location 順豐自提點到付- HKD30/kg/cbm, 地點:
ZTO to Pay Delivery. 中通上門到付 HKD- 28/1kg; 36/2kg; 44/3kg; 52/4kg;
ZTO self pick up charges & location 中通自提點到付HKD -12/1kg; 16/2kg; 20/3kg, 地點:
ZTO 中通自提櫃/郵局櫃位/智郵站預付 HKD -12/1kg; 16/2kg; 20/3kg, 地點:
For Macau customers (澳門客戶)
ZTO Delivery 中通國際快遞HKD - 28/0.5kg; 34/1kg; 40/1.5kg; 46/2kg. Please contact us for freight confirmation in advance請先行聯絡確認運費
For customers in other areas (其他地區客戶)
Please contact us for this query. 歡迎聯絡我們有關送貨事宜.
For fragile goods 易碎貨物
We deliver the goods to your door, our store, and the courier will confirm that the goods are in good condition at the time of shipment, and our store will not be responsible for any damage caused during the delivery process. 本店和速遞員會確認出貨時為良好狀態, 在運送過程中引起的一切損壞,本店恕不負責.
For pre-order goods 預購貨品
If you have purchased a spot or pre-ordered product at the same time, we will send it out together with the pre-ordered product. If you want to receive the spot goods first, it is recommended to purchase them separately. 若你同時購買了現貨或預購的產品, 本店安排將與預購產品到貨後一併寄出。如想先收取現貨貨品,建議分單購買。
Return & Exchange Policy 退貨須知
In general, we do not take Return/Refund requests, please contact us if needs and share pictures of the external packaging and product. If we agree to refund,(Customers shall bear the shipping costs.) we will refund the amount to you. 貨物應該未經使用而且包裝為出售狀態才接受退貨(運輸費用由客戶承擔), 請聯絡我們作最後審查.
To cancel an order, only the goods have not yet entered the "ready for delivery" or "delivered" status. 取消訂單, 只限於貨物尚未進入"準備送貨" 或"已送貨"狀態。
A handling fee of HKD50 will be charged on cancellation orders and Return/Refund requests on a per customer and per unit basis. 取消訂單和退貨/退款要求將按每個客戶和每個單位收取50港元的手續費。
The final decision remains with eHonji.